An oven-simmered stew of clams, shrimp, and flaky white fish cooked makes a light, warm-weather dinner. The recipe calls for striped bass but cod, haddock,...
In this recipe, lemongrass leaves its unmistakable tangy lemony taste while red chiles, garlic, coriander, and lime do their part to give the marinade...
Using light mayonnaise and lime juice in the dressing considerably reduces the calories and fat in this salad. Chili powder adds spice to the shrimp. This...
Shrimp is easier to prep than lobster but still special-occasion-worthy. Dressed with mayo that's been fancied up with lemon, tarragon and scallions, it's...
The herbs in this recipe's tangy chimichurri sauce-mint, basil, and parsley-add piquancy to the shrimp and tie the dinner together. It doesn't require...
A one-skillet weeknight dinner with a Cajun accent. Who can resist this riff on jambalaya with spicy pork sausage, shrimp, and the Louisiana trinity of...
Easy and elegant, this four-ingredient shrimp recipe comes together in a flash. Marinate the shrimp for 15 minutes, grill, and add to a bright summer salad...
Begin cooking the shrimp and sauce while the pot of water is coming to a boil so everything is ready at the same time. Be careful not to overcook the shrimp,...
The star of this at-home version of the Chinese takeout favorite? An umami-packed sauce made with chicken broth, oyster sauce, rice-wine vinegar, sesame...
Get tropical with these citrusy shrimp tacos topped with charred pineapple salsa. It's a Mexican-inspired recipe and family favorite dinner for any night...
What goes into a traditional bouillabaisse? That depends on whom you ask. But a pot typically includes at least four kinds of fish -- some firm and some...
Enjoy a taste of summer with our classic shrimp boil complete with baby potatoes and corn on the cob. Red chile, garlic, onions, and Old Bay seasoning...
This recipe comes from Jenny Rosenstrach, whose blog dedicated to family dinners, Dinner: A Love Story, became a book. Make a triple or quadruple batch,...
This light and refreshing salad makes for a perfect warm-weather meal when avocados are in season. Recipe courtesy of Emeril Lagasse, "Emeril 20-40-60...
No visit to the Gulf Coast would be complete without a po'boy. These humble sandwiches, filled with meat or fried seafood, have evolved from a workingman's...
A stir-fry is great for a quick weeknight dinner -- to make the meal even speedier, cut the cauliflower and bok choy ahead of time, devein and peel the...
Toss wok-seared shrimp and vegetables with steamed rice for a dish that features classic Thai flavors: garlic, ginger, lemongrass, scallion, and chile....
This traditional Thai soup is a favorite of Su-Mei Yu, chef and owner of Saffron restaurant in San Diego. Serve it with basmati or Thai jasmine rice. Serrano...
Chopped up in a salad, avocado adds a creamy texture without the saturated fat of cheese or dairy-based dressings. It is delicious here with shrimp, apple,...
Stir-frying is a smart shortcut to a healthy dinner in 20 minutes or less. This light and flavorful version amps up shrimp with garlic, red pepper flakes,...
There's no cream in this take on alfredo, but the end result is just as rich and silky as its heavier versions-and arguably makes a better final dish since...
Strips of sliced cabbage echo the shape of the noodles in our version of a familiar Chinese-American dish. Cooked briefly, the cabbage wilts slightly but...
In this dish, tofu shows its smoky side and grilled shrimp takes on the spicy and sweet flavors of honey, sambal oelek, garlic, and ginger. Serve with...
When the shrimper gets your shrimp for ya, use it all. There's nothing like it. Included here is a recipe for shrimp stock so that every morsel of shrimp...
Chef and cookbook author Madhur Jaffrey shares this simple yet impressive Bengali dish known as "chingri bhapey." The shrimp is delicately spiced with...
These are very tasty little appetizers! Serve them alongside some sweet Thai chili sauce for dipping. They're delicious hot or at room temperature. Keep...